Developing a growth mindset culture in your classroom

How many times a day do you hear "I can't do it" "I'm not very good at this"? I believe that when I manage to change the mindsets of even the greatest self doubters the enjoyment of learning and the progress of my class will speak for itself. Over the last term this has been one of my biggest focuses and I have seen a change of attitude from a large number of class but there is still away to go. As normal I have drawn upon the tools that already exist and thought I would share them with you......

Twinkl has a great selection of resources

There are some great examples of displays on the search engines - this is one of my favourites (source unknown)

Class Dojo is an amazing behaviour management tool but also as a means to encouraging a growth mindset culture. Within the site you have the option to edit the positive points to reflect growth mindset characteristics such as persistence and self belief. More recently they have also added some amazing growth mindset videos.

This is a great display to illustrate that making mistakes is not only part of learning it is an essential part of the learning process, problem solving and mastering skills.
Sarah Hagan (@mathequalslove)